By 6:30 we were well clear of Rødvig:

The weather was absolutely perfect for a long trip on open water, no wind to speak of and just the very light swell you always get 'at sea'.

We had breakfast at 7:30, coffee at 10:30 and in the meantime the first mate plotted the position every half hour on the chart.

Around Trelleborg it got quite busy with ferries crossing our path:

Around midday we passed Smygehuk, the Southernmost point of Sweden. Then lunchtime and a rest for the captain:

Eight hours (and 52 miles) after leaving Rødvig, we rounded the harbour pier at Ystad, where the hornblower greeted us:

We are happy to be back in Sweden and look forward to about three months of exploring. But first tomorrow is a rest day. Monday is Sweden's national day when most businesses are closed. We'll see what else happens then.
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