This is "Onbekommerd"!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Almost back in the Netherlands!

After Oldenburg we spent a day traversing the Küstenkanal. That's 70 km with two locks. Not very exciting, a generally straight canal with lots of trees on either side. But easy travelling and as the weather was very nice a good relaxing experience. At Dörpen you get on the river Ems, which is partly canalised and is then called the Ems-Dortmund kanal. As it meanders a bit and you pass the odd town or village it is a bit more scenic than the Küstenkanal. We soon stopped for the night (and for a beer, after some 8 hours travelling!) at a very nice harbour near a 'village' of holiday houses.
This morning, we did 20 Km (and two locks) to Haren, where the canal into the Netherlands, the Haren - Rütenbrock kanal, starts. As it is closed on Sunday we are spending the night in the harbour of the local yacht club. Fortunately there is a wifi network here, as we have no 3G signal. In Denmark and Sweden the mobile internet is so good, compared to Germany and the Netherlands. Also the cost: compared to Sweden and Denmark, Germany costs 3 times (per GB), the Netherlands a whopping 15 times! One wonders if the Dutch are aware how badly they are ripped of for a generally poor service,
But anyway, we are looking forward to being 'home' tomorrow, after almost exactly 3 months away. We plan to take the new route from Ter Apel via Erica and Hoogeveen to Meppel. Let's hope we will have Internet to report on it!

Location:Nordring,Haren (Ems),Germany

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