A few weeks ago, based on positive reports from Cruising Association members, we bought the set of charts covering the area where we are now (unfortunately the Åland Islands are part of a different 'set').
We prop up the iPad in front of the helmsman and to be honest it is quite helpful. We also still use the trusted WinGPS on the laptop but the visibility of the iPad from the helmsman' position is a very useful addition.
Here you can see us approaching today's anchorage. The red arrow is obviously our current position and the red line our course. We are anchored in the bay you can see ahead of us. Approximately where the small circle is.

Another interesting navigation fact: when we listened to the Swedish Navigational Warnings on the VHF radio this morning, it was announced that the ice had now retracted virtually completely from the entire Baltic but that there still were damaged or missing buoys and that therefore caution was advised.... Good to know that we won't encounter any ice!
In the meantime it is actually quite 'summery'. Lyn even wore shorts for a while today!
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