So we booked a 7:20 flight out of Heathrow airport. That means getting to Heathrow by 6. No underground runs that early, so you need to take a bus. No problem, we got up at 4 and by 5:45 we were at the check in desk. "May I see your passport sir?". "Certainly ". And that's when the panic started. The shoulder bag, containing the passports, was not there, I had left it on the bus! The staff (British Airways) at the check in were fantastically helpful and guided us back to the bus stand. Of course our bus had already left, but the driver of another bus explained that the driver would normally check the bus and take anything left to the depot when she went there for her break. So we got into a taxi, destination depot. Soon I realised that my iPad was also in that bag. And it was connected to the internet! On the iPhone, there is a little app called 'find my iPhone', which shows the location any of your Apple devices. So I opened that app and yes, I could see where my iPad was, still on the bus! The next 15 minutes or so were fit for a movie scene: I directed the taxi driver, looking at the map on 'find my iPhone '. Soon we saw the bus, the taxi diver cut it off at the next stop and he bus driver handed me the bag which she had indeed found and put at her seat!
Lyn phoned the BA lady back at the airport to give her the good news, she had already booked us onto the next flight. Great service!
So a few hours later, Lyn was able to take this picture, approaching Stockholm:

We were excited to see all the waterways we will soon be exploring again!
Unfortunately, one of our bags was left behind at Heathrow, so the time spent on filing a 'missing luggage report' meant further delays and only at 5pm we got to the guesthouse at the marina where Onbekommerd is waiting. We had a quick look: she is still wearing her pyjamas:

This morning, we will connect the batteries and start bringing some stuff on board and clean up a bit. It appears that the missing bag has reached Stockholm airport and we hope it will appear today.
Tomorrow it's back into the water!
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