Today is 'Midsommar', the Saturday closest to the summer solstice, 21 June. But more importantly, yesterday was 'Midsommerafton'. On Midsommarafton, the 'stång', similar to a Maypole, is decorated and raised.

And once raised, music is played and families dance around the stång.

It is a very traditional family affair, as important as Christmas, it appears. All shops, restaurants and other businesses are closed and it is the start of the holiday season.
In the evening, there are parties, usually with a lot of food and drink.
We are at our Swedish base and this year it was the turn of the British to organise the party at the 'Båtklubb'.

So we started with Pimms as a welcome drink. The starter was organised by the Swedes, different types of pickled herring with boiled potatoes. For the main course there was cottage pie with peas and carrots followed by strawberries and cream. Wine, beer, vodka and aquavit lubricated all of this. One of the local Swedes provided the accompaniment on his cornet and his accordion.

The international gathering of Dutch, British, Swedes, a German and a New Zealander enjoyed itself.
Our plan is to start moving South tomorrow, but at the moment the wind is howling and for tomorrow it is predicted to be quite windy too, so we might be here a bit longer.
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