The lock-Gods were indeed very kind to us once again: as we approached the lock the famous white flashing light came on and in addition the lock master told the 'sportboote' in German as well as in English (!) that we could lock out of the canal now.
Once out in the Kieler Förde (where the water is blue and not brown as it has been for the past week or so) there was a bit of rain but the visibility and the weather forecasts were good enough to encourage us to continue straight to Bagenkop on Langeland in Denmark.
The trip was quite comfortable with a bit of water over the deck but nothing hectic and by 5:20 we were in Bagenkop. Yes, a long day (we left at 8:30 this morning), but worth it.
We will have a lazy morning and then do the 2 hours or so to Marstal where we plan to stay a few days as the wind is expected to pick up after tomorrow.

Here I am changing the German courtesy flag for the Danish one!
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