We phoned the harbour master in Saltsjöbaden this morning to enquire after the availability of moorings. He told me that it was currently full and he could not make any promises but that he was sure they could make a plan for us. So we set off at 10 and by 12 we were at Saltsjöbaden, one of the bases of the KSSS, the Royal Swedish Yacht Club. It was blowing quite hard, probably 15 to 18 knots and it was also cloudy, the first time in a week or two. As we arrived, we were hailed by a RIB ('rubber duck' for the South African followers) and asked if we wanted a mooring. They told us there were 6 yachts waiting and advised us to tie up on a swing mooring (a buoy) and they would come back to us in 30 minutes. About an hour later the RIB arrived and - after apologising for the delay - guided us to a nice spot on the main jetty. There were people there to meet us and take the lines too. What excellent service! So there we are, right in front of the 'Grand Hotel':

Bur with a real yacht club atmosphere:

Tomorrow, the wind is predicted to be lighter and the sun to be back. Our plan is to go to Dalarö, where Greg will take bus, train and plane to rejoin Sean in London.
Location:Torben Gruts väg,Nacka,Sweden
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