Around midday, someone appeared in front of the boat (in typical Swedish style we are moored bows to the jetty with a floating back mooring buoy). I went to talk to him and he turned out to be a reporter for P4 Swedish radio, doing interviews for their 'Sommer' programme. He asked if he could come on board to interview us. This was set up and we chatted till it was time for our live slot.

In about 2 or 3 minutes it was all over, but imagine our surprise when soon afterwards we received an email from the only Swedish family we know (they gave us very useful advice when we had the problem with the rock a few days ago). They had actually heard the interview (and suggested we were now famous and they were proud to know us..)!
So, fame at last!
The weather is clearing now and we still plan to go down the 7 lock flight (the Carl Johan locks) tomorrow.
Whe can we hear the registration of this interview?
ReplyDeleteI did some research based on the info you gave me.
ReplyDeleteThe URL to hear the radio show is :
If yopu click this URL you get the page of the program and you select the July 10 show.
When you click "Lyssna" you will hear the program.
If your use a IPad it will not open the radio show.
In that case you click "Oppna i extern spelare" and click the link that opens thereunder.
The total show is 3H and 54 min. You don't need to listen to it all :-)
The part with Hans' interview starts at around 3h 32 min.