Soon afterwards we entered the first of the 58 locks at the Göta canal. This is looking back from there:

Just before leaving the lock, we paid the canal fees, which pay for all the locks plus all the facilities (harbours, showers, washing machines etc) during the canal trip. There are a total of 20 harbours and you can stay up to 5 nights in each of them. But as sometimes the harbours are a few KM apart, it's unlikely that one does that (and anyway, the canal is not even open for 100 days a year).
We did 8 locks today with Sean and I handling the boat and 'the ladies' doing the shore work:

We tied up in Lyrestad, a sleepy village on the canal. It was a very nice trip through a sort of 'forestry' landscape. No doubt we are going to enjoy the canal!
Read more about it on Also in English!
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