Anyway, after we put in some diesel at Fredericia, we were 'en route' at 7:30. There was a force 4 wind blowing and as it was 'from the side', the waves made us roll a bit but nothing to hectic and we arrived on the small island of Endelave early enough to have coffee. These islands are very nice: the harbours are small and there are few or no resident yachts, just visitors. This makes for a nice and lively atmosphere, in contrast to the marinas on the mainland which are often full of deserted boats. Endelave is a typical Danish island, with low thatched houses and a white church:

What was unusual was a deer in the churchyard. Hope you can see him in this picture:

This morning was - as predicted - overcast and windy, so we settled down to some work on the laptops until 11:30 when - again as predicted - the wind dropped. We had a relatively long (32 nmiles) trip planned to Ebeltoft. But we were a bit tempted to stop at Tunø, as it looked a very nice island as well:

Next we crossed the fast ferry route between Sælland and Jutland. When you see these ferries approaching, the rule is to just carry on. They are way too fast for you to take any avoiding action, so they will avoid you. Still, when you meet two together....

We got to Ebeltoft around 4:30. A picturesque small town, again quite typical Danish with wood framed houses:

We had a request to post a map to show where we are. Here it is. The drawn line shows the route in the Baltic to date. The broken line is the plan for the next few days. We have been very fortunate with the weather so far and this should continue for three more days. Then, unfortunately, a weather front will hit, making it impossible to cross to Sweden. This front is now predicted a day earlier than originally. So we'll sit it out for a few days in either Sæby or on Læsø. The current forecast does not go far enough to see the next gap.

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