We left at 6am to catch the railway bridge before the rush hour started. The wait was about 15 minutes and we were let through:

Once on the lake proper the wind was very light, yesterday's waves had disappeared and we had a quiet 4 hour trip, which included a nice breakfast and coffee. Then we entered the 'skärgård' at Naven light:

The trip through literally hundreds of little islands (there are actually 22000 islands in and around Lake Vänern) is very scenic and interesting. At some stage, the passage is only 7m wide:

Then you get to the imposing Läckö slott (castle):

And from the air:

Arend and Birgitta left us here, we enjoyed having them on board, one night was not long enough! But our son Sean and his girlfriend Nikola arrived on the next bus, they will stay with us until Monday. We went on a guided tour of the castle, from where you can see the small, idyllic marina with 'Onbekommerd' in it:

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