Hals lies at the entrance to the Limfjord, which runs straight through Jutland all the way to the North Sea on the West Coast. There are a few towns on this fjord, the major one being Aalborg and that means that there is a (small) amount of relatively big commercial shipping going into the fjord. As the entrance is not all that wide (well, it is wide for us but not for the 'big guns') there are lots of navigational aids like this lighthouse:

And this set of lights, one red and one green, has a third one (white, not shown in the picture) behind it. If you - from a distance - keep the white between the red and the green, you are in the channel!

We find Hals quite a convenient place: there is a clubhouse with nice facilities that you can use as a 'guest'. And there is a very good supermarket within 100m from the harbour! Danish supermarkets are excellent from an organisation, a presentation and a cleanliness point of view so we don't mind shopping there. Even so, we try to organise ourselves in such a way that we shop once in four days.
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