From Appingedam to Groningen is not far, but from Appingedam to anywhere in Friesland (which is where we want to go) is too far for a day, so Groningen is a convenient stop. As it was Sunday, there was not a lot happening but it is always nice when another 'Valkvlet' (a 'maatje' we call them). Enters the harbour. We had some interesting chats yesterday afternoon and this morning about different experiences with our 'ships'.
From Groningen, once you are through the Oostersluis (lock), it is a canal for the next 50 KM. Not boring, as there are quite a few obstacles to negotiate: quite a bit of dredging going on and a bit of commercial traffic too. We negotiated the last lock of the year at Gaarkeuken and entered our 'home province' of Friesland (or more correctly 'Fryslân') a bit later at Stroobos. Without much excitement, we arrived at Eernewoude (Earnewald). The weather is nothing short of 'autumn', with rain- and hail storms, strong winds and low temperatures. Fortunately, Onbekommerd is dry, warm and comfortable inside, but it is no surprise the harbour looks like this:

If you would look the other way, there are a few charter boats with German crews (without the German market, the Dutch charter business would have been finished many years ago!), but that's about it!
We'll be here for two nights, and start to prepare for Friday when we put Onbekommerd to sleep for the winter. Wednesday we'll move a few miles 'down the road' to meet up with good friends. Thursday we'll do the last 18 mile stretch to Franeker.
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