Then another 2 trains and by 14:30 local time (13:30 London time) we arrived at Onbekommerd.
We ordered a new tent for the cockpit last year which was made and installed during the winter break. We are very pleased with the 'make over' the new tent is much brighter, a new colour as well as more and bigger windows. Compare this picture with the one on top of the blog:

After arriving we saw our good friends Marinus and Ike. They invited us for dinner, which we gladly accepted after a rather tiring day!
This morning we had a few loose ends to tie up at the shipyard and some 'admin' to do. Now we are about to set off, not quite sure yet where to, we'll see where we end up tonight, possibly Sneek tomorrow.
Location:Zuiderkade,Franeker,The Netherlands
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