This is "Onbekommerd"!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Between Zealand and Mon, to Klintholm

First of all, I would still like to show you a 'late' picture taken on Femo, a nice sunset:

From Femo, we made our way to Vordingborg, out first stop on Zealand, the 'main' Danish island. It was perfectly still as you can see on this picture:

Great conditions for a trip across the 'Smalandsfarvandet', which can be quite choppy even in light winds because of the many shallow areas. We have had 'washing machine conditions' here, but today it was flat :-)

The approach to Vordingborg is quite scenic, you steer towards what is called the 'goose tower' as the weather vane on top is in the shape of a goose!

Vordingborg is an old town, officially 600 years old this year (they take the day it was given 'market rights' as the starting date). But there already was a castle of "Valdemar the Great" here in the 12th century.
We did some shopping here and I had a haircut!
In the evening, there was a rally of old cars next to Onbekommerd. We especially liked this 'pickup':

This morning we continued to Klintholm, on the island Mon (should have a little line through the 'o', but this programme won't allow that....). First we passed through the 'Gronstrom' (missing lines gain..) and saw the sort of famous ferry 'Ida":

Then a bit over open water and we tied up at a very nice place in Klintholm:

Nice view from the boat over the sea!

Tomorrow, we will go around 'Mon's klint', the 125m high white (chalk) cliffs. We'll try to get some pictures, but here it is as seen from the air, on a brochure:

As it is predicted to be stable with light winds for the next few days at least, we'll cross to Sweden tomorrow. Depending on the conditions, it will be Gislovs Lage, Smiggehuk or Ystad.

The former two are small and will most probably not have internet. In Ystad we can buy data for the iPads. So it is likely we will be 'out of touch' for a day or so. (but those who need to reach us can do so on my Dutch mobile number).

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