After some time, we noticed that there was no water coming out of the little vacuum breaker in the side of the boat and not a lot from the exhaust. And a little later the temperature alarm for the exhaust went off. The exhaust is cooled with outside water, which is pumped through a water strainer by a small impeller pump on the engine. The engine itself has it's cooling internally through the keel. We stopped the engine (the boat of course turned sort of side onto the waves which was a bit uncomfortable) and checked the strainer. This was full of weed, probably picked up in Femø harbour on our departure (we had checked and cleaned it the previous day). So we removed the weed, lots of it, not only in the strainer but also in the suction pipe. After that everything was back to normal. We put the weed into the basin in the kitchen for a picture:

We found a place in the very busy harbour at Vordingborg. There is a big festival going on here, with stalls in the pedestrian shopping street but also a big stage which currently features a band doing a reasonable Queen imitation, the lead singer has clearly carefully studied Freddy Mercury's every move! Again, I took a video which I unfortunately cannot post tonight.
Tomorrow, the wind is expected to be light and if that is indeed the case, we'll move on to Klintholm.
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