On Thursday last week, we left Cape Town. We have had a very productive 6 months, we had set some goals to be achieved and we met all of them.
We had breakfast with Greg they morning we left:

Then a comfortable trip to London. The temperature there was 20C lower than in Cape Town, so that was a bit of a shock to the system. But one gets used to that very easily. It was of course wonderful to see Sean and we managed to see him a few times.
In London, there is always something strange going on. On Saturday it was 'National Pillow Fight Day' (actually International it appears). This was Trafalgar Square during and after the 'fight' (which was extremely good-natured!).

Of course we had to do several walks. One of them was along the Thames in East London. Here is the Thames barrier:

And Gwilym and I had to check on the iPad if we were indeed on the 'zero meridian':

Finally we succumbed and took a typical touristy London picture, the light was too nice to let the opportunity pass:

This morning, we left very early and after an eventful trip (cancelled flight and misdirected luggage), we got to Franeker where Onbekommerd was patiently waiting for us. As it has been drizzling from the moment we left Kew until now, the picture will have to wait, but suffice it to say that she looks very well in her new coats of paint and varnish and that the new heater is fantastic!
The weather is predicted to improve substantially from Saturday, so we are looking forward to the start of our trip (after the arrival of our luggage 'between 8 and 1' tomorrow.
Location:Zuiderkade,Franeker,The Netherlands
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