After spending the night on Ven, in Sweden, we left for Helsingør which is on the Danish side of the Northern entrance to the Øresund. On the Swedish side is Helsingborg and the Sund is only just over 3 miles wide at this point. Back in the 14th century, the Danes built a castle here, so that taxes could be levied on ships wanting to sail through the Sund. The castle was eventually called Kronenborg. It features in Shakespeare's Hamlet as Elsingore, the castle of the 'King of Denmark'.
Today it is a World Heritage Site and we went to see it, after we tied the boat up in the Helsingør Marina.

Kronberg Caste from the water.

Harold the Dane is sitting in the catacombs of the castle. Folklore says that he will wake up and defend Denmark when it is in danger.

Of course we had to have another 'braai' with the boys.....

Before the rainstorm struck.
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