The weather forecast for today was lightish winds in the morning, building throughout the day. As we wanted to go to Faaborg, on the island of Funen (Fyn, in Danish), which at 30 miles is about a 5 hour trip, we set off a bit earlier than normal, at 8. It was a wonderful crossing of the Lille Bælt, with little wind to start with and about 16 knots towards the end. No problem, we even made coffee! On the approach to Faaborg, you see the characteristic small 'cliffs' and the rapeseed fields, very pretty:

Once tied up, we noticed this is quite an international setting: there were 5 different flags visible next to one another: Danish, Norwegian, British, German and of course Dutch.
Faaborg is a medieval trading and fishing town. It is quite well preserved in its old style, the old trading harbour is very close to the town. It is much nicer than the marina, which is well known and also mentioned in the pilot so it's the first choice. Fortunately there was still space there for us.

During our 'recce walk' we noticed that there would be a 'night watchman' at the belfry at 9pm. We were not sure what this entailed, so after dinner we set out to see what it was all about. It turned out to be a guided walk through the old town:

As it was all in Danish only, we missed 99% of what was said, but at least we saw all the interesting places. Tomorrow, we'll visit the tourist information and see if there is an English language translation available!
Also tomorrow we'll have to do some restocking of the larder. And there is an oil change coming up, for which I need a tool, hopefully I can get that here too.
The weather forecast for the next few days is quite good. Our plan is to visit some of the islands South of Funen, some of which are very small. They are mostly one or two hours motoring apart, so it should be easy going. We'll leave here either tomorrow or Tuesday, we'll see about that later.
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