Soon we caught up with the Johanna Maria, a 'platbodem' with a Dutch couple from Franeker. They are on their way to the North Frisian islands, and are also calling at Fedderwardersiel and Bremerhaven. We took pictures of each other, you don't often get nice pictures of your own boat under way, so this is a popular thing to do when you know each other:

We then turned into the Kaiserbalje, another shallow that needs to be passed around high tide. By now the wind had picked up and we got some seawater over the bow.
After almost 4 hours we tied up in Fedderwardersiel, a small and very tidal harbour. Here you can see the difference between high and low tide:

The first image shows the harbour entrance shortly rafter we arrived, the second one at low tide. The scale on the right hand side shows the depth, 250cm at high and zero at low. The entire harbour falls dry and the boat sinks about 40 cm into the soft mud!

We stayed for a day, walked around, did some planning and admin. We had lessons in shrimp- peeling from Ike and Marinus on the Johanna Maria:

and made a pasta with extremely fresh shrimps (caught at low tide the same day).
This morning the tide was high enough to leave the harbour at 6.30, so we set course to Bremerhaven. First over the wad again, then up the Weser past the container berths and into the river Geeste where we are tied up now. We did some shopping, I had a haircut and we'll move on tomorrow, taking the inland route towards the Elbe and ultimately the Kiel canal towards the Baltic. We should be on the Elbe in two days.
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