A bit after midday, we got to the lock at Kiel Holtenau. There was a one hour wait and then we finally moved into the Kieler Förde, the entrance (for us) to the Baltic. Immediately, the atmosphere changes, even the colour of the light is a bit different, it seems. This is the first impression:

As it happens, it is Kiel Week, the biggest regatta week in Europe. Not only are there lots of races, for classes from Optimists to 60 foot yachts, it is also a big sailing spectacle with participation of numerous square riggers as a highlight. We had to manoeuvre our way through all sorts of craft (including ocean going vessels on their way to Kiel or the locks).

Although it is very busy in all ports around here, we managed to find a place in our 'first choice' marina in Laboe, a fishing town at the mouth of the Kieler Förde. We went for a walk and found a fruit stall on the market where we bought an entire basket full of fruit for €10 (including the basket itself!). We'll be having lots of 'smoothies' the next few days. We tend to buy fresh food at least every 2 days and live quite healthily as a result.

We will stay here tomorrow and plan to go North thereafter.
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