This is "Onbekommerd"!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dinghy and Marrekrite

Yesterday we finally managed to find a suitable replacement for the old rubber dinghy of which the bottom came loose in Sweden. We had quite a specification for it: inflatable bottom and keel, about 2.3 m long and possible to stow (in its uninflated state) under the berths in the front cabin or otherwise at least under the cockpit hatch. Well, under the berths is not going to work, but the new dinghy fits under the hatch. And we got an end of season discount of 25% too!

We are in our last week on board for this year and currently tied up at a Marrekrite place in the Princenhof near Eernewoude. That gave us a good opportunity to inflate and test the dinghy, both using the oars and the electric outboard motor. We are very pleased with it!

Just before tea, a deer appeared in the field a bit away from the boat. That's how rural this spot is!

Tomorrow we go to Eernewoude to use the washing machines there. Then on Thursday to Franeker. And finally on Friday we hand Onbekommerd over to the boatyard for the winter maintenance and storage.

Location:Boarnsterhim,The Netherlands

Sunday, September 13, 2015


We had an extremely nice weekend with our Valk Yacht Club friends. Really nice weather helped too! We had 10 boats, so 20 people and gathered for coffee, drinks, soup and barbecue dinner. Some pictures follow below.

This afternoon we left 'Lytse Helling' and motored to Joure, just over an hour away. as it might well be the last nice weekend of summer, it was quite busy on the water!

As the weather is quite unstable, we'll go to Texel not by Onbekommerd but by ferry next weekend.

A photo of a week or two ago: entering Lemmer 

 Terherne sunset

A few pictures of the unofficial Valk Yachts Club weekend

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lytse Helling

We are having a weekend with 10 Valk boats on a small island just outside Terherne. The 10 boats just fit around it!
Last night we had a communal dinner in that everyone just brought their own stuff, either cooked on board or barbecued on the grass field. We lit the Cobb.
It was al very nice, the weather also cooperated nicely.
I'll post some pictures when we get good wifi internet.
The idea is to all stay here today and leave tomorrow. This morning there still is a bit of sun, but the weather is predicted to turn and by Monday it will be pretty much like autumn.

Location:Boarnsterhim,The Netherlands

Monday, September 7, 2015


From Sneek we went to Terherne yesterday and to Grou (or Grouw in Dutch, Grou is Frisian) today.
Not a lot to report really. The weather continues to be pretty dismal with a lot of rain and a few dry spells. We have had the heater on for the last three mornings, so we are comfortable. And the weather is predicted to improve for a few days from Wednesday.
Tomorrow, Lyn will take the train to Groningen to visit a school for children with learning difficulties where Harrie, my cousin's husband works.
From Thursday, we'll spend a few days on an island near Terherne with a few of our friends from the Valk Yachts Club, we are looking forward to that.

Location:Volmaweg,Grouw,The Netherlands

Friday, September 4, 2015


After two nights at the Marrekrite place near Sloten, we spent a day in Heeg and now three nights in Sneek with the fourth one coming up.
The weather has been pretty disappointing, cool, lots of rain and little sun. A bit like autumn!
Yesterday, we took the train to Bilthoven to attend the memorial service for my uncle who passed away last week at the age of 96.

Next week, Lyn will visit the school for children with learning difficulties where my niece's husband works. It will be interesting for her to see how these children are cared for educationally, compared to the situation in South Africa.
Also we need to have the tent over the back of the boat either repaired (broken zips) or replaced (the tent is quite old and is soon due for renewal anyway). And we are looking to replace our little dinghy....

Next weekend we are meeting up with some of our Valk Vlet friends before the winter season starts.
And the weekend thereafter (we are now talking 19/20 September) we plan to go to Texel for a re-take of the Thijsse-weekend we had in July.

So, plenty to do before we put the boat 'to bed' for the winter on 25 September. We'll report on all of this, although probably not on a daily basis.

Location:Lemmerweg,Sneek,The Netherlands