To our surprise, the water of the IJsselmeer was dark green, it was as if we were moving through pea soup! According to the hourly VHF report, the water temperature was only 15.8 C, which does not seem warm enough for algae to grow wild. Anyway, pretty it was not!
We arrived in Enkhuizen soon after midday, well in time to get a nice spot in the Buitenhaven. We'll be here until at least Saturday, my sister Ineke and her husband Franco are in Holland (I can say that now, as they are not in Fryslân, Groningen or anywhere else where the use of 'Holland' would cause offence) on holiday and they will visit us on Friday.
We walked through Enkhuizen where there was a street market on:

And we finally found a restaurant where mussels (with chips!) were served. We have been waiting for this since coming on board in April!

If you look very carefully at the picture above, you'll see a ferry called "Friesland" in the background. More about that tomorrow!
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