Yesterday, Easter Monday, Jaap (a friend from my primary school days) and his wife Liesbeth fetched us and took us to the visitors' centre of 'Natuurmonumenten'. That is an organisation which buys specifically important areas in the Netherlands to protect nature there. My great grandfather was one of the founders in 1905. In spite of the poor weather, it was a very nice visit. Afterwards, we had dinner at Carien's house, which is very near that visitors centre. Carien and her brother Hoyte are friends from my high school days, it was a day of seeing 'old' friends!
This morning we set off for Utrecht. The weather was still cold and rainy. We stopped just before Utrecht to consult a mechanic about our diesel fired heater which does not want to start. He removed the heater and took it to the workshop and phoned a bit later that he can fix it and will bring it back by noon tomorrow. We then carried on to Utrecht itself where we are now.
The final picture is of our new soup-making efforts. We bought a very nice handheld blender with which Lyn now makes great soups!

Location:Nieuwekade,Utrecht,The Netherlands
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